How does you write a biography for a brown white
guy? Confusing all whites around him, with a white boys antics such as playing a guitar, being a horrible basketball player
and the most accent free in the band. Dave hails from the Sorthern Wastelands of Ajax. Having two hardcore Guyanese parents
you'd figure he'd have a little more colour to his character but the only thing he seems to have inherited from them is a
love for curry. He spends most of his time trying to catch up to Yngwie Malmsteens burning "guilt licks" Aside from his
cat Spanky peeing on his laundry all the time he's a pretty happy guy! He has been in bands such as A.N.D.P, Anatomy,
Enbodiment, Doors of Draven, 747 and Freight Train Robba's, before he fell straight backwards into the hands
of Sum 41...the most hated band in Ajax.
